Beginning June 20th, NBU will be conducting Natural Gas Leak Detection Surveying as part of our normal operations.
The purpose of surveying is to inspect our gas system in accordance with federal, state and customer guidelines. Surveying ensures compliance, system operation and public safety.
Surveys include:
Public Building Inspections
Up Rate Surveys
Monitoring/Recheck Surveys
Odor Complaints
Meter Protection Survey
If a hazardous leak is found, we take immediate action to eliminate the hazard. If a non-hazardous leak is found, it is scheduled for repair.
While surveying is important, we also rely on the public to call if a leak is suspected. You can smell, listen and look for natural gas leaks. If you suspect a gas leak call 251.580.1626 during our office hours or 251.580.2559 outside of office hours. We will always send someone free of charge to investigate.
Leaks typically occur as the result of accidental damage caused by excavators or contractors during construction or street work. That’s why we educate the public and excavators on the importance of calling 811 before digging.
Anyone conducting the inspection survey will be an NBU employee in an NBU-marked vehicle. If you have concerns, questions or suspect suspicious behavior, please call us immediately at (251) 580-1626 during office hours or at (251) 580-2559 after hours. The survey will be ongoing until complete. Thank you for your patience and understanding while we continue to keep our natural gas system safe and reliable.